Together we free the access to your potential and inner knowing

My way of coaching is a blend of the methods I have experienced and learnt in the field of psychological healing and self discovery.

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The Four Keys of working together;

  • Using the challenge as the gateway to deeper levels and wider dimensions

  • Providing support for connection with ones own inner answers, energy, potentials and solutions

  • Freeing any blockages

  • Opening and holding a conscious and unbiased space from women to women for what is

How I work

My passion is to intuitively use a combination of tools, to support women and children where they are in the present moment. I am driven from a place of trusting that the solution is within ourselves and also on another level than only existing in the mental realms where we usually tend to surch for it.

I aim to create a supportive, unbiased and trustworthy space to help calm and expand the nervous system and connect with our inherent and subconscious wisdom so together we can look beneath the surface to create harmonious change and growth.

Fall in love with your inner truth and evolving path as a result of this gentle and holistic approach.

The main tools

Human Design, Evolutionspädagogik®, Conscious Coaching and many oder modalities are the tools I use in agreement with you to build a firm base for the journey you will take. All these provide the map to discover more of yourself and to activate your inner guidance for your own individuality. The process takes place in the consciousness of the whole and considers our holistic body-mind-soul-complexity. I refer to my own long-term work with myself and my experiences and knowledge on all these levels.

A profound and wide impact

By embracing ‘what is’, you find deeper layers and gain access to your inner navigation system and thus your potential. This way of working has a profound effect both within and outside yourself. You will be able to recognise your own tensions as well as the ones of those you are close to. This enables you to learn from each other and grow together.

Working with me does not replace a doctor or naturopath. For deep-seated psychological problems, please also consult a doctor.

Transform your problems by accessing your inner feminine wisdom with a loving attitude. I invite you to learn more about my services below.


Learn more about finding your true potential.


Learn more about yourself and your child.

Everything can be a gateway to arriving in the here and now, leading to our hidden gifts and to more peace with ourselves”

— Barbara Arvanitis