Explorer of Life
Feminine Guide
Revealer of Potential
My deep search for answers
Through my deep search for answers and my curiosity to recognise the true meaning of our lives and how it plays out through our stories, I have studied and learned many helpful modalities. These include Evoped®, Women's Temple Work, Human Design and Conscious Coaching, amongst many others.
These potent methods supported me to look deeper. As I integrated what I discovered, I developed my personal approach by supporting women in their own explorations of things such as; dissolving internal doubt, confusion, conflicts and lack of perspective. My approach is guided by my personal realisation that we can only bring satisfying changes in the outside world when we find access to the solutions within ourselves and loosen the grip of the wanted outcome. When we connect deeply with ourselves, we reveal our own treasures and learn to navigate ourselves from a place of sovereignty and freedom.
My navigation system
I know too well what it's like to experience life challenges such as; sorrow, doubts, family and relationship problems, and feeling stuck along the way... Things often didn't go at all perfect and I felt forced to look inside myself.
Over time I have identified four keys that have helped me gain access to: wider perspectives, more freedom and a deeper understanding. These are;
Challenges are gateways to our true potential
Solutions are often not where we think they are, they lie in the realm of possibility
Being with a woman who listens attentively and unbiased is very healing
Solving blockages enables access to unexpected changes
I combine body awareness, psychological and spiritual methods to resolve blockages and strengthen ones sense of self.
I am guided by my experiences as a mother, teacher, searcher and avid learner.
Mother, Teacher, Coach
As a child I sometimes felt myself misunderstood and pressed into limiting structures. Later, as a teacher, I wondered why so many children experience disappointment and failure at school even though I could see their potential. As a mother of two daughters, often times I experienced great relief from the support of other women, or a coach. I was touched by the immediate impact it had on the behaviour of our daughters and on the harmony of our family life.
When a naturopath pressed the book "The Seven Certainties That Children Need" into my hand, I knew intuitively this was the way to go. After studying Evolutionspädagogik® I opened a practice for the learning, counselling and coaching of children on the basis of this wonderful tool. I now help children and young people to solve their blockages around a myriad of subjects.
My Passion
I have very often experienced how my children's behaviour immediately changed when I solved what was triggering my reaction to them. Therefore, my passion is to support children and their parents on their way to increased harmony within themselves, each other and to access all potentials of growth. While I am learning and growing through my challenges as a women and mother I am deeply guided and nourished by the support I get in the company of other women, such as a friend, a women of my family lineage, a coach or in a women’s circle. I honour my knowledge of these experiences and therefore I delight in passing them on to other women and mothers.
I see life as a way of healing and unfolding our true inner being. Serving this healing process is important to me. I dedicate my work to the richness and depth of the inner path, which contributes to greater freedom, individuality, peace and harmony in all areas of life.
Selected Qualifications
Praktische Pädagogik und Evoped ®, I. P.P. certified training
Women's Circle Training & Women’s Temple Work, Awakening Women certified training
90° Coach® for adults and institutions, I.P.P. certified training
Conscious Coaching by Nohila Driever, certified training
Human Design, in training as an analyst
Complementary Skills
Grown up in a body aware family and taught in Eutony by my aunt
Primary school teacher, teacher training
Montessori pedagogy and “Mit Kinder wachsen”, several trainings
Trauma-and Stressrealaese method, from Homöopath Marlise Holik, privately trained
MBSR for awareness and stressrelease, 8-week course
Personal Experience
Over the years I collected experience and unfolded through Nonviolent Communication, Integrative Body Coaching, Polarity and Trauma Work called Somatic Experiencing according to Peter A. Levine, Birth solving work, Relationship Work by Chuck Spezzano, Early Childhood Reflex Integration, various retreats and seminars for Constellation Work, Feminine Spirituality and Embodiment at the Awakeningwomen Institute by my teacher Chameli Ardagh, Expressive and Bodymind Centered Dance and Movement, Communication by Transaction Analysis, Soul-Based Coaching, Feeding Your Demons by Lama Tsultrim Allione… amongst many other inspirations.
Over 25 Years Experience
I have over twenty-five years of experience in working with adults, teenagers and children in private, at school and in adult education. I have 10 years of experience in coaching on the basis of Evolutionspädagogik ®. I am a mother of two wonderful daughters who are now grown up and I live with my husband in St. Gallen, Switzerland.